This website is provided by
Stat-X Kft.
16 Késmárk street,
H1158, Budapest
Registering authority: Registry court of the Capital.
Our company is a member of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Hosting provider information
Tárhelypark Kft.
18-22 Victor Hugo street,
H1132 Budapest
All information that you find on the Stat-X site reflects the current state of knowledge of Stat-X; it is provided for your information, without Stat-X claiming or guaranteeing that such information is accurate or complete. They neither express or imply any basis for any warranty of any kind, be it in terms of quality, merchantability, or fitness of Stat-X products and / or services for a particular purpose. Stat-X does not guarantee that the website is also consistent with the laws of other countries. Please note that for the websites of other Stat-X companies, different conditions may apply.